Reliable and analytically sampling of your Gas, LPG and Gasbag samples

The current Gas & LPG introduction module, GM 7000, which is fully software controlled through Athena software and compatible with the TSHR 6000 and 7000 series has been upgraded and available in 3 versions:  The standard GM 7000; The sulfinert coated version (GM 7000 Sulfinert);  The GM 7000 Plus for handling pressurized and non-pressurized gas […]

TSHR International present at PEFTEC

PEFTEC 2019 is a focused international Conference and Exhibition for professionals specialising in monitoring and analysis within the Petroleum, Refining and Environmental industries. Building on the success of previous events, PEFTEC offers visitors and delegates an extensive conference and seminar programme provided by internationally renowned experts. Presentations address a range of topical issues including regulations, […]

NEW Biodiesel in Diesel Fuel Analyzer

SetaCheck Biodiesel SA5500-0 Using unique, Mid-IR technology, the analyzer has a measurement range of 0.1% to 40% biodiesel. Only 2 ml of sample is required and a test is completed in less than 1 minute with results displayed on a bright backlit screen. SetaCheck’s test procedure is simple, requiring no special technical skills or laboratory […]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

All of us at TSHR wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year. We look forward to working with you next year and in the years to come. Arthur, Dolf, Messut, Margreet, Jessica, Alwina, Angeline, Jelte, Naomy, Dook, Gaby, Matthijs, Rico, Sladjana, Glenn

TSHR International socially responsible

TSHR factory goes LED TSHR factory is prepared for a CO2 reduction of > 60%, by the implementation of a new LED light management system which replaces the fluorescent lighting to help considerably on energy cost savings. In this way TSHR enables their employees to work in a safe working environment and which contributes to […]

TN in biodiesel application compliant to ASTM D5762

The analysis of Trace level Total Nitrogen in biodiesel samples is for many labs a challenge when it comes to correctly reporting the right concentration. TSHR has developed an application for their 6000 series to enable customers to reduce the user handling part and potential error chance and in compliance with ASTM D5762 method. The […]

Welcome on our new website!

To improve our service we redesigned our TSHR international website. The most important new features are: Clear overview of our products with separation between our Combustion Elemental Analyzers and Stanhope SETA products; Easy to use: possibility to request a quote directly when you found your product of interest; Clear overview of all our distributors with […]

New Application Note

Trace Level Sulfur Content in Tier III gasoline TSHR has released a new application note for the analysis of trace level total sulfur content in Tier III gasoline products. The note describes the backgrounds of importance of such NYGoodHealth analysis and supported with performance data of the TSHR TS 7000 model, Total Sulfur analyzer. If […]

TSHR Distributor Sales Meeting 2017

TSHR welcomed distributors from Europe, Middle-East and Americas in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) for a 3-days Distributor Sales Meeting. The training went very successful with a high grade of interaction among the 30 participants and they enjoyed the mixture of presentations, customer case studies and live-product training. The whole meeting was recognized as very valuable and […]

New Application Note of Total Sulfur analysis in n-Pentane

TSHR has released a new application note for the analysis of trace level total sulfur content in n-Pentane. The note describes the backgrounds and solution of this analysis with performance data of the TSHR TS 7000 model. If you require a copy of this Application Note please contact your local representative or TSHR international main […]